Coach Ellyn

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Self-Care and Rest on a Budget: Free and Inexpensive Ways to Recharge

At a recent Keynote I did, I was asked by an audience member about how to approach the different types of rest and self-care when you have finacncial concerns and considerations to take into account!

What a great question, so I wanted to put together this list for those of you who ARE cash strapped, but WANT to make those changes…

Self-care and rest don’t have to come with a hefty price tag. You can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul without breaking the bank, and I’m here to share some creative, low-cost ways to care for yourself across different areas of your life.

Mental Self-Care & Rest

  1. Visit the Library: Libraries are not only great for borrowing books, but they also offer a quiet space to reflect, unwind, and dive into new knowledge or relaxation through reading.

  2. Mindful Meditation: Apps like Insight Timer offer free guided meditations to help clear your mind. You can even practice mindfulness on your own for free by focusing on your breath.

  3. Brain Dump Journaling: Write down everything that’s on your mind. Sometimes releasing your thoughts onto paper clears mental clutter. I’ve always joked that journaling is like free therapy and my all-time favorite pen to paper journals are like $5 at Michaels!

  4. Puzzle Time: Doing puzzles like crosswords, Sudoku, or even jigsaw puzzles can help calm the mind while giving it something to focus on. There are tons of free online puzzle options!

Emotional Self-Care & Rest

  1. Journaling: Expressing your emotions through journaling is a powerful emotional release. Grab a notebook or use free online journaling platforms to get your feelings out.

  2. Walk Through a Park: Nature can be incredibly soothing for the soul. Strolling through a park, breathing in fresh air, and simply being present with nature is a free way to decompress.

  3. Practice Gratitude: Take a few moments each day to list out what you're grateful for. This simple act can bring emotional rest and a sense of calm.

  4. Watch the Sunrise/Sunset: Take a few quiet minutes to watch the sun rise or set, offering a peaceful moment to check in with yourself emotionally.

Physical Self-Care & Rest

  1. Go for a Hike: Hiking is a great way to get your body moving while connecting with nature. Find a local trail and soak in the fresh air.

  2. Visit a Local Botanical Garden: Many botanical gardens offer free or donation-based admission. Walking through these peaceful spaces is not only physical activity but also calming for the mind.

  3. Stretching or Yoga: You don’t need a studio membership to enjoy yoga or stretching. YouTube has a ton of free yoga classes to guide you through a relaxing flow.

  4. Take a Nap: Sometimes, all your body needs is rest. Allow yourself to nap without guilt and wake up feeling refreshed.

Social Self-Care & Rest

  1. Meet a Friend for a Walk: Instead of spending money on a meal, meet up with a friend at a park or your local college campus for a walk. It’s a great way to connect while getting some physical movement in.

  2. Farmer’s Market Browsing: Explore local farmer’s markets to soak in the sights, sounds, and community. You don’t have to buy anything to enjoy the experience.

  3. Volunteer: Volunteering for a cause you care about not only helps others but is also a way to connect socially while giving your sense of purpose a boost.

  4. Attend a Free Community Event: Many communities offer free movie nights, concerts, or art shows. It’s a great way to engage socially without spending a dime.

Spiritual Self-Care & Rest

  1. Spend Time in Nature: A hike, walk by the beach, or even birdwatching can help you connect with something larger than yourself.

  2. Free Day at a Museum: Many museums offer free admission days. Visiting art or history museums can be a spiritual experience, offering reflection and insight into the human experience.

  3. Meditation or Prayer: Taking quiet time for yourself to meditate or pray can deeply nourish your spirit.

  4. Visit a Quiet Space: Whether it’s a park, a local church, or your favorite room at home, simply sitting in silence and letting your mind wander can be spiritually fulfilling.

Creative Rest

  1. Photography Walk: Grab your phone and go on a photography walk. Try capturing the beauty of everyday moments. This creative rest can also be incredibly mindful.

  2. Sketch in a Park: Grab a sketchpad and sit outside. Sketch what you see, or simply doodle for fun. You don’t need to be an artist for this to be a relaxing outlet.

  3. Write Poetry: Even if you’ve never written poetry before, try putting pen to paper and letting your thoughts flow creatively. Freewriting can be freeing.

  4. Free Art Classes Online: Check out free tutorials on YouTube to learn sketching, painting, or another creative hobby.

Sensory Rest

  1. Unplug from Technology: Give your senses a break by putting down your phone or turning off the TV. Enjoy the quiet or tune into soft music.

  2. Walk Barefoot in Grass: Ground yourself by walking barefoot on soft grass. This can help relieve sensory overload and reconnect you with the Earth.

  3. Take a Hot Bath: A warm bath with a few drops of essential oil can help your body and mind relax. Even a simple, quiet shower can have a similar effect.

  4. Sit in a Quiet Cafe: Head to a Starbucks or a local coffee shop and just sit. You don’t even have to buy anything (seriously—you don’t….it’s a Starbucks rule!)—just enjoy the ambiance or bring a book to read.

Self-care and rest don’t need to be expensive or complicated. With a little creativity and intention, you can fill your days with activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul while honoring your need for rest. Whether it’s taking a quiet walk, visiting a museum, or simply letting yourself nap, you have the power to care for yourself in ways that are both free and fulfilling.

What’s your favorite way to practice free or low-cost self-care? Share your ideas in the comments!