Coach Ellyn

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Building a Business is the Ultimate Personal Growth | Reflecting on 5 Years

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Today marks the 5-year anniversary of starting my business…

And it's a milestone that fills me with a mix of
excitement, gratitude, and reflection.

Most of you know my story. You know that while I was in graduate school working toward my Ph.D., I burned out and burned out hard. I didn’t even recognize it as burnout at first. But now I know better. I was emotionally exhausted, I was jaded, I was disconnected, I was tired, I was overwhelmed…

Burnout had hit me in just about every way that it can in the process of recovering from my own burnout, I found coaching…and my life was absolutely turned upside down. Not only because coaching made me see all the things that were wrong about the path that I was but it gave me tremendous clarity on what I do want.

Fast forward and after dabbling in coaching while I was on Remote Year, I knew that this was the path that I wanted to be on. This is the legacy I wanted to create and the career I wanted to build. And after returning from Remote Year in January 2019, I founded my LLC.

Over the past five years, I've embarked on a journey that has taught me invaluable lessons about running a business, building confidence and clarity, and confronting my personal flaws and bad habits.

When I first started this venture, I had no idea what lay ahead. It was a leap of faith, driven by a passion to pursue my dreams and create something meaningful. Little did I know that this journey would push me to my limits and challenge me in ways I never anticipated.

It challenged my mindset and my identity. I couldn’t rely on the inherent respect of being a scientist and researcher or getting my Ph.D. I no longer wanted that identity… but I was so wrapped up in it. I was so wrapped up in the respect that it had always given me. The idea of pivoting to something that would require me to earn that respect for myself was daunting…terrifying, even!

Running a business has been an incredible teacher. It has demanded a level of confidence and clarity that I never knew I possessed. I had to overcome imposter syndrome. I had to believe in myself. I had to trust myself. Every decision, big or small, has required careful consideration and a willingness to take risks—which I’ve never been good. The responsibility of leading a business has forced me to step up, make tough choices, and trust my instincts.

But perhaps the most eye-opening aspect of running my own business has been the way it shines a spotlight on my personal growth. It's like a microscope, magnifying all the areas where I need to improve and the bad habits I need to break. From time management to communication skills, from financial management to self-discipline, every aspect of my personal life has been under scrutiny because of my business…and that’s just NUTS!

Through this journey, I've come to realize that running a business is not just about the external strategies and tactics. It's about the internal work, the constant self-reflection, and the commitment to personal growth. It's about recognizing my weaknesses and actively working to overcome them. It's about embracing the uncomfortable and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. Having a business has done that for me in ways that nothing else could have.

The past five years have been a rollercoaster ride of successes, failures, and everything in between. But through it all, I've learned that the journey is just as important as the destination—and I’m Enneagram 3! That’s hard for me to see which I’m on the journey because I care so much about the results and achievements that I’m creating for myself. But, you know what? I don’t think I would’ve lasted otherwise. I don’t think I would’ve lasted if I hadn’t embraced the challenges, celebrated the victories, and learned from the setbacks.

As I reflect on this 5-year anniversary, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunities and the lessons this journey has provided. I'm thankful for the growth, the resilience, and the self-discovery that running my own business has brought into my life.

Here's to the next chapter, the next adventure, and the continued pursuit of my dreams. Cheers to five years of growth, learning, and the unwavering determination to make a difference.


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