#23 - How to Navigate Fear & Failure into 2019

How do we navigate moments when we fail? How do we bounce back? How do we not beat ourselves up? I don’t know about you…but I know how daunting failure and the fear of failure can be. In our careers, in our relationships, in our health…in so many ways. I know how having failure before can haunt us and be so hard to bounce back from. But it doesn’t have to be. Today, we’re going to elaborate a little bit more on some of the topics that we touched on in our interview on Tuesday and I’m going to leave you with 5 tips for how to navigate fear and failure as we reflect on our 2018 and as we move into 2019…


  1. Reflect on the times in the past when you were uncomfortable, doubting yourself and when you weren’t the most confident. Reflect on the disaster scenarios you invented in your head regarding that situation, and ask yourself…did that situation actually play out? Often, when we want something really badly, we undermine our confidence by inventing disaster scenarios in our heads of what “could” happen. Maybe you want to approach someone at a bar that you’re attracted to…but you keep telling yourself that he’s going to turn you down in disastrous fashion. Maybe you have a big presentation you need to give…but you’re terrified that someone is going to ask a question that completely stumps you and that you’re going to be found out as the imposter that you are. These are both real examples from my life…and in both of these scenarios, those disaster scenarios didn’t happen. My presentation went phenomenally. The guy I approached…he turned me down, yes, but it wasn’t as big of a deal as I had built it up to be in my head. So often, the disaster scenarios we create doesn’t actually happen. And when we’re stuck in fear, it’s important to remind ourselves of that.

  2. What’s the worst thing that could happen in this situation…and can you recover from it? If you have a big presentation and you have a technical issue and lose all your slides, someone walks in in the middle of the presentation and interrupts your entire presentation, or someone asks you a question that you don’t know how to answer…are those the worst things? Okay. If they are, can you recover from them? HELL YES YOU CAN! You won’t die and you won’t be fired if technology issues happen. You won’t die if someone asks you a question you can’t answer. In fact, people would probably have a lot of empathy in that situation. Getting turned down by someone you ask out…can you recover from that? Abso-FREAKING-lutely. Maybe you get turned down in GLORIOUS fashion and get laughed at…but even then, can you recover from that? YES! It might be embarrassing. It might make you feel shame. But, can you recover? Will you eventually date again? Will people support you. YES!

  3. If you had a crystal ball that GUARANTEED your success at whatever you’re pursuing, what ACTIONS would you take and are those actions different than the actions you’re currently taking? This is a GREAT gut check. Because so often, we get in a state of fear and because of that, we don’t take the actions that we should take. We don’t make the investment we should make. We don’t ask the guy/girl out. We basically make our fear a self-fulfilling prophecy and sabotage ourselves. Cuz you can’t go on a date with the good-looking dude if you don’t ASK! So, let this tip serve as a gut check for you. Let this tip remind you to make sure you’re not sabotaging YOURSELF with your actions.

  4. If you have failed in the past, ask yourself…what is the lesson that you can take from that failure? Because there ALWAYS IS ONE! This is crucially important for bouncing back! And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It may be something as simple as learning that you’re more resilient than you thought you are. It may be as simple as learning what NOT to do. Whatever. If you ask someone out and they say no, what’s the lesson there? That you can bounce back when you’re rejected. 

  5. Have some GOD DAMN SELF-COMPASSION & STOP COMPARING YOURSELF. Oftentimes, the only reason we feel like failures because we’re comparing ourselves to others, we’re holding ourselves to impractical standards, or because we’re assuming that our path to success has to be perfect and completely without obstacles. We compare our behind-the-scenes to someone’s highlight reel. It’s cliche, I know! But it’s important to know this! If you fail, you’re not a failure. You’re brave trying. And we need to have some DAMN COMPASSION during the process. We need to allow ourselves to have our own process and our own journey and not compare ourselves to other. It’s the most important piece of the puzzle!


00:06                                     Hey everybody and welcome to the The Growth Tribe podcast, where we're all about growing ourselves and empowering us so live badass lives on our terms. I'm Ellyn and I'm a former biomedical researcher-turned-coach who finally nixed my own BS and started to take action to create a life that was mine. I transformed my health, traveled the world for a year, started my own business, probably freaked my family out about the choices I was making along the way here on the growth drive. We believe that it's not always about success. Sometimes it's just about doing life right and on your terms. And we have to be purposeful and intentional about laying that foundation, whether that's learning how to show up as our most authentic, confident selves, getting clear on what we want in our lives and so much more. We've got amazing interviews, big stories, tips, tricks, and no bullshit action steps that we can all learn from. And I am so pumped to share it with you. So with that, welcome to this episode of the growth tribe!

01:06                                     Hey everybody, and welcome back to the growth tribe podcast. Before we get into this, you guys, this is going to be our last episode of 2018 I am going on a little bit of a hiatus after this episode is over, but I wanted to continue our conversation that Dan Holloway kicked off so unbelievably well in our last episode. So much of Dan's story is about reframing your mindset about failure or the potential for failure and how by making that reframe, we can ultimately change our life in some hugely profound ways. He did it by leaving his corporate career by creating an abundant and incredibly successful online business and he's continuing to do that and just kind of how he approaches his life in some of his travels, in the fact that he lived remotely. But that might be not what you're going for in your life.

02:01                                     You might have a different definition of success, but ultimately how we navigate failure and how we navigate the fear of failure is a really, really big thing in our lives. Whether it is starting a new fitness program, starting a business, you know, just writing that book. Whether it's parenting, relationships, fear, failure can show up in so many different ways. And I really liked the notion of ending our year ending 2018 ending the first, you know, slightly less than six months of this podcast by talking about the subject because we are ending a year and we are starting a new one and I actually feel like this is the perfect moment to talk about this because maybe you're looking back at your 2018 and you're realizing that you just didn't do as much as you wanted. It didn't quite go the way you'd planned the way that you would have and you're maybe a little bit bummed, disappointed with how things went and maybe you feel like a failure and also going into 2019 maybe you had a great 2018 but you're looking at all of the plans that you have for 2019 and it's making you really nervous.

03:21                                     That's kind of why I want to have this conversation now, because whether or not your looking back on your 2018 and paralyzed by all the things that you didn't do and not wanting to repeat that in 2019 or you are looking at your 2019 with all of these possibilities, all these potential opportunities, but with the potential fear that things won't pan out the way you want. Let's have this conversation now and let's debunk some of how we think about failure and ultimately let's have a conversation about how we can navigate failure better and ultimately overcome that fear of failing. So with that, let's tackle some tips that I've got for you. I've got five tips here on how we can better navigate failure and the fear of failure.

04:07                                     Ellyn here, and you're listening to the growth tribe.

04:21                                     All right. Before we get too far into this, I'm just gonna apologize in advance. There's probably going to be a little bit of background noise. I'm recording this episode from, it's going to be the last episode from my travels. Oh my gosh. A little bittersweet, but I'm recording it from my studio apartment in Cape Town. We got a bit of street noise going on below. But that's a-okay because I am all about just real. Let's do things real. I'm not going to try to curate this and make it, you know, perfectly quiet in the background because that's not how life is. I'm traveling the world and shit isn't going to be perfect all the time. You're not always going to have perfect Wifi or perfect, you know, soundproof walls, which we definitely don't have in this apartment. But I just want to do, make sure you're aware of that. If you hear some noises in the background, it's just Cape Town happenings on the streets below my apartment. Um, but with that, let's get into our tips.

05:11                                     So first tip is to, I want you to reflect on the moments when you were scared, uncomfortable, when you were really, really doubting yourself, maybe weren't the most confident, and ultimately the results of those moments. There are so many moments that come up in our lives that are, you know, that we want things to go well. Maybe it's a presentation at work. Maybe it's asking someone out. We, you know, have a desire for the perfect result and there's ultimately a fear there that we're not going to achieve that result. And we'll start to create, you know, some sort of catastrophe disaster scenario in my head about how these things could potentially play out. Um, I actually was, I have video in my online course life one on one or actually I think I'm going to rebrand that to take back your life.

06:01                                     But anyways, I have a module and a video within that where I talk about some confidence tools and some ways in which to build up your confidence. And one of the big ones is exactly this. It's looking back at the moments when you were scared, uncomfortable in some of the disaster scenarios that you are imagining might play out in these different scenarios. Some examples I gave were, you know, um, instance where I had approached somebody I was attracted to at a bar and how I was so scared that I was going to get rejected, that I was going to get incredibly embarrassed. All of these disaster scenarios. Another thing that I talked about was the very, very first time I gave a departmental seminar when I was in Grad school. It was, you know, you have to go up in front of the entire department and speak about your research and I was terrified. I was terrified. That impostor syndrome was totally at play. I was terrified I was going to be found out that somebody was going to ask a question that was just going to completely stumped me. I had all of these disaster scenarios playing out in my head, but ultimately the point of this is I don't want you to just reflect on these scary, uncomfortable moments for the sake of reflecting on them because that sounds kind of terrible. So I'm not, I don't want you to stop there. Ultimately, I want you to reflect on these moments and I want you to consider what were the disaster scenarios that you were imagining and did those scenarios actually play out? What was the ultimate result of that situation that you were scared of, that you are so uncomfortable that you were so fearful about what was the result?

07:30                                     In the situations that I'm talking about, the results of giving my departmental seminar, I had all of this fear, all of these disaster scenarios that I'd built up in my head, but the ultimate result of that was actually phenomenal. The seminar went very, very well. I got a lot of great feedback from people about it and ultimately all of this stress that I was imposing upon myself by creating this disaster scenario didn't even come to fruition. I'm not saying it will always play out that way though. I mean the instance that I talked about of approaching somebody who I was attracted to at a bar that crashed and burned, I got turned down. I mean, it doesn't always play out the way we want it to, but ultimately, even in that instance, I may have gotten turned down, but I didn't get, you know, it wasn't like this big, you know, blow up.

08:23                                     People were laughing at me in the bar I, he said, no thank you. And I kind of just went a long with the rest of my evening and went back and hung out with my friends and I think did something very similar about two weeks later. You know, it's, I want you to reflect on these moments because ultimately I want you to realize that so often, even if sometimes the thing that we fear happening happens, it often doesn't play out in the disastrous way we think it's going to. Oftentimes the scenario you have playing in your head, we all have playing in our head about how these scary, uncomfortable moments will play out. Oftentimes it doesn't, it's not that bad. Oftentimes it is just maybe a misstep, an obstacle, maybe you know, we do fail, but often it is not in the disastrous, you know, we're going to crash down in flames kind of disaster scenario we play out.

09:23                                     So that's tip number one: to navigate that potential fear of failing. I just want you to reflect on those moments when you were scared, when you were fearful of failing, and ask yourself how many of them actually played out in the disaster scenario that you were inventing in your head. Those disaster scenarios are so unnecessary. So if you can, you could probably come up with many instances like I just gave, like some of those examples that I just gave, and you're probably gonna find the same result that even in the moments when you failed, it was not as catastrophic of a failure as you thought it would be. So that's tip number one is to reflect on those moments and, and allow yourself to realize the disaster scenario is probably not going to play out and stop creating the disaster scenario for whatever thing you're fearful you're fearful of failing at in the future. So with that, let's move to tip number two.

10:21                                     Tip number two. You might kind of roll your eyes because it's something that you'll probably, you probably hear often in this context, but I want you to ask yourself, what is the absolute worst that could happen in this situation? Any situation that you're fearful of failing at. And you know, we'll talk about the same examples that I used earlier, the departmental seminar that I gave when I was in graduate school. What is the absolute worst that can happen?

10:50                                     Really the worst that could happen was somebody asked me question and I say, I don't know. And you know, maybe they will think less of me, but you know what, they probably won't because in all honesty, everybody doesn't know the answer to a question at some point. What's another bad thing that could happen? Um, my, you know, my entire presentation could get corrupted and I don't have any PowerPoint slides. You know, that's technically something that is terrible that could happen. You know, somebody could walk in, in the middle of my presentation and completely throw me off my game. That's another terrible thing that could happen. But ultimately, and I, I'm actually giving these examples because these are things that happened during my first presentation and the same and the exact same departmental presentation I had to give a year later. We have to do it each year.

11:42                                     When I was in graduate school, these were legitimate things that happened. I was asked questions, I didn't know how to answer, and I just said, you know what? I've never thought of that. I don't know. And it wasn't like people started laughing at me. People didn't roll their eyes. We just continued on with questions. My PowerPoint slides for a period of time weren't working on the projector in that room, and I started freaking out, but ultimately started laughing because it was so ridiculous that this was something that was actually playing out. We were started. People started cracking jokes with me about, oh, looks like you're going to have to give a, you know, whiteboard talk, do a chalk talk. You know, it turned into a joke and it actually, interestingly, instead of making me freak out more, it actually loosened me up a bit because some of the things that were happening during my presentations were so ridiculous that all I could do is laugh.

12:36                                     So yes, my slides for a period of time didn't work. We ultimately got the projector to work and it was fine. But that happened in literally the two minutes leading up to me starting my presentation. I legitimately had somebody who worked for facilities who was one of the, he was doing a repair and he walked in in the middle of my presentation and asked about the repair he was supposed to do and I just kind of started laughing and looked at him and I was just like, I am not aware of this, but can you come back later when I'm not presenting? And he kind of smiled and nodded and left and I shared a laugh with the entire room full of people that I was presenting to and continued on with my presentation.

13:15                                     So I want you to ask yourself, in whatever situation you are creating a disaster scenario four in your head, if that disaster scenario actually plays out, is that the absolute worst that can happen? And can you recover from that? If you know, my slides didn't start working for my presentation, what I have been able to recover from that. Yeah, I would have just done the presentation on the chalkboard and it probably wouldn't have been the best presentation of my life, but even then I can recover from that a also, there's probably a lot of people that if I had to do that would have had a lot of sympathy and would have been very, very encouraging of the fact that I had a technological issue that I could never have predicted, but I did a presentation anyway. They would have had a lot of empathy. I think we don't give people enough credit sometimes, but if that had happened, I would have done it a chalk talk on the board and it would have been fine. You know, somebody walking in in the middle of my presentation and throwing me off my game.

14:19                                     That happened and did I recover from it? Yep. I shared a laugh with the entire room and then continued on with my presentation. What about the example of, you know, approaching somebody you're attracted to at a bar? There's a lot of, for so many of us, and admittedly this is something I still struggle with, relationships is still a thing that I'm working on and building up my confidence in like I'm on this journey. Same as you, but ultimately if you go ask somebody out and they turn you down, that is, that ultimately is the absolute worst that can happen. Right? You got turned down. I got turned down in this situation and I mean maybe the absolute worst that can happen was that I get turned down in glorious fashion and the entire bar laughs at me, but even that, could I recover from that?

15:07                                     Yeah. It'd be embarrassing for sure. It'd be very embarrassing, but can I recover from it? Yeah. Yeah. You Bet. There were people I was with that if for whatever reason that has resulted in me getting laughed at and completely laughed out of the bar, that those people would have been there to support me and I would've recovered. Ultimately in any situation, the absolute worst that can happen is something that you can recover and grow through. In every situation. You're not going to die. If the disaster scenario actually plays out and you'll be able to grow through whatever scenario comes to pass, whatever potentially worse thing that could happen, you will be able to recover from that. So that's tip number two is ask yourself what is the absolute worst that could happen in the scenario and can you recover from that? And if the answer's yes, if you won't die, then what really is there to be afraid of fuss, no.

16:14                                     Tip number two. So tip number one was reflect on the moments when you were scared, uncomfortable, and the results of those actions. And Ask yourself if any of the disaster scenarios you are imagining actually play out. I know that's kind of a long tip. That's tip number one. Reflect on the moment and ask yourself if the disaster scenario played out. Tip number two is ask yourself what's the absolute worst that could happen? And ask yourself if you can recover from that, are you going to die? Okay, cool. If not, you can recover. Check, done. Move on.

16:48                                     Tip number three. Tip Number three is I want you to compare. This is something that Dan talked about actually. I will compare the actions you're taking now with this fearful state of mind. Compare them to the actions that you would take if you knew you couldn't fail. Dan was talking about in the interview that was released on Tuesday and if you haven't listened to it, go ahead and go back and listen to it because it's awesome and so powerful, but he was talking about if I had a crystal ball and the crystal ball told me you will not fail this thing that you're pursuing this, this situation and this moment that you're really going for in life, which in his instance it was a business thing. If you have a crystal ball and it says that you will not fail if your crystal ball says this person is going to say yes when you ask them out, your crystal ball says you are going to absolutely kick ass at this presentation. If that was what the crystal ball said, what would your actions look like toward pursuing that thing in? Are those actions different than the ones that you're currently engaging in?

17:57                                     So that's tip number three. So if I were, you know, we'll use the, the departmental presentation example again. If I had a guarantee that I was going to kick butt at this presentation and none of the disaster scenarios we're going to play out, how would I prepare? How would I, you know, how would I rehearse? How would I practice for this presentation? How would I, you know, what, what things would I do to make sure that my slides were working? What I go test it out ahead of time? You know, if I had a guarantee, what would my actions be like leading up to that? And am I doing that even in the state of failure? In a lot of ways, actually my preparation for that presentation and despite, you know, the fearful mentality, despite the fact that I had these disaster scenarios playing out in my head, those actions were actually very much in line. And look at that. I had a successful presentation even despite some of the hiccups that we experienced.

18:57                                     Actually think maybe a better example for this one is for asking someone out. Every time I approach someone at a bar or whatever that I'm attracted to on Tinder since that's our big thing. Now you know, if I'm approaching it from the perspective of success, even if you know, I have a, a story playing in my brain that says this person's too attractive for me because unfortunately that's how some of us think when we're approaching people were attracted to. If I was telling myself, you know, if my, my crystal ball said this person's going to say yes and you guys are going to go on a date and it's going to be fantastic, whatever, you know, whatever the crystal ball's telling you, whatever that marker of success is. If that crystal ball was telling me this person's going to say yes and you guys are going to go on a date next week, hell yeah, I will swipe right on the really, really hot dude on Tinder. Or I will approach the guy who I'm interested in at a bar or I will, you know, tell the the friend how I feel about that. If the crystal ball was telling me I was going to be successful, those would be the actions I would take. I would swipe right. I would approach the dude and I would tell the person I would feel.

20:07                                     And compare that to living in the state of fear, this fear of failure that you're going to get rejected or turned down or whatever. In that instance, maybe my actions wouldn't, wouldn't be that I would swipe right. Maybe I'll swipe left because I'll say, you know, oh, he wouldn't like me anyway. Maybe I wouldn't approach the guy at the bar because I'd be too afraid of potentially being rejected. Maybe I wouldn't tell the person in my life how I feel about them. That's the difference. Those actions are completely out of alignment. When I'm thinking from a perspective of success and I'm thinking of from a perspective of failure, so if you compare those two actions, this is a much better I feel like than the seminar example. But if you compare those two actions and they're different than you know that ultimately the steps that you're taking right now in pursuing that thing you're afraid of failing at the steps that you're taking are essentially guaranteeing you that this scenario you're playing out in your head, that failure that you're so afraid of is going to play out.

21:08                                     So compare those actions you're taking. And if they're not the same, make them the same. I love that. I'm totally stealing that from the Dan Holloway, but I loved that to compare those two actions. So that's tip number three. So tip number one, reflect on the moments when you are scared and ask yourself if any of the disaster scenarios you had and were playing out in your head for those moments if they actually happened. That was tip number one. Tip number two, ask yourself, what's the absolute worst thing that could happen and can you recover from that? And tip number three is compare the actions you're taking to the actions that you would take if you knew you couldn't fail. And if they're not the same then course correct. And fix.

21:54                                     Tip number four is ultimately, and this is kind of maybe another one of the cliche things and thinking about failure and navigating failure is identify the lesson. This is really, really important for, you know, bouncing back from a failure is identify the lesson in whatever failure you experienced because guess what? There always is one. The lesson might be something as simple as that you're way more resilient than you give yourself credit for, or it could be as simple as that you learned what not to do. You know, I love that notion that it took 10,000 tries before we made the first light bulb and the inventor said, you know, we'll, that's fine, because now I learned 9,999 ways to not make a light bulb. I learned what not to do.

22:46                                     I actually remember, I was reading a book earlier this year where they were talking about Pixar Pixar studios and how many storyboards they had to make for some of their most popular movies. WallE, WallE is an adorable and great animated movie. Do you know how many storyboards Pixar had to make to ultimately come up with the finished product? They made like 100,000 storyboards for that movie. Did all of them make it into the movie? Hell No. But it was part of the process and they learned what not to do and what wasn't going to work in the context of the story in the movie. So there's always a lesson there, you know, the, you know, going and asking a guy out that I was interested in. It failed. It failed miserably. But it also taught me that I can be rejected and still move on and still ask again. You know, the lesson from my graduate school seminar that ultimately had a good result. Yes. But the lesson there was that I realized that I'm a much better speaker than I ever gave myself credit for. And that's, that's valuable knowledge right there, you know? So there's always a lesson there.

24:01                                     You know, we've talked a little bit on this podcast before about my flop of a program launch in September of this year, September, 2018 I almost said 2017 oops. Um, but that program launch kind of crashed and burned. The program in and of itself is I'm still incredibly proud of it and I know it's a great product. I know it's a powerful product, but ultimately I learned a lot in that launch about marketing, about my message, about where I went wrong in that message. I ultimately learned a lot about who that program is actually for and that I wasn't gatoring to those people and that I wasn't showing up and an offering this program to the right people, like that's important information. Even in the failures in our lives, there are powerful lessons to be learned and they can be as simple as what not to do or they can be as powerful and empowering as learning what our strengths are. And I feel like that's something that we don't necessarily appreciate and that we take for granted sometimes when it comes to failure is that there is always a lesson, there is always something to be learned and it's so important that we identify what that is. So that's tip number four.

25:22                                     Tip number five is to have some god damn self compassion and stop comparing yourself. Stop comparing ourselves. Oftentimes we feel like failures because of comparison and oftentimes we hold ourselves to these impractical standards. We don't let ourselves, we, we seem to assume that you know, to be successful, to achieve the things we want in our lives, we have to do it perfectly. We don't allow ourselves to have missteps, to have obstacles to trip to fall because we see these freaking highlight reels on social media about these people who have done what we're trying to do and you know, they're perfectly posed and have great hair and have perfect lighting and we assume that that's what the path to success looks like. And guess what? Any freaking one of them who's worth anything in this world will tell you that that's not what the path to success looks like.

26:31                                     That that is their highlight reel. I love it when you have the people who post, you know the pictures of the roles in their stomach, the cellulite that you usually can't see the difference between the posed and perfect booty shot and what reality actually is, who show you the behind the scenes as opposed to the highlight reel, because guess what? There's always behind the scenes and the behind the scenes does not look as perfect and curated as the highlight reel does, so have some damn self compassion for yourself. If you fail, you are not a failure. In fact, you're brave for trying and it anybody who knows how obsessed I am with Brene Brown knows that I basically just probably stole that a direct quote from one of her audio books because they've, I listened to them so often that I can basically quote them now, but you need to have some damn self compassion here for yourself because you're not going to do everything perfectly.

27:31                                     You are going to make missteps, but you only fail if you stop trying. If you give up, if you let the single failure that you've had in the entire course of achieving your goal in the entire journey and path that you're on, if you let the one failure derail you, that's, that's a tragedy. You are allowed to have failures. You're allowed to be imperfect, you are allowed to misstep along your journey and along your path. So stop comparing yourself to everybody else you see, because they probably had failures and missteps too. You know, there's no, I was listening to some personal growth video probably yesterday where they were saying, you know, there's no such thing as an overnight success. There's no such thing as a person who didn't have to put in work to get where they are. You know, it was the thing that was reading the book.

28:25                                     I'm reading the 1% rule right now as I record this, and you know, they talked about Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and how it seemed like they were overnight success when "Good Will Hunting" came out, but they weren't. They'd put in 10, 11 years. They slogged through creating that movie of finding a director and a producer who had actually created about casting the right people in the movie. There was trial and error. There was a lot of long haul grueling work that went into that, but we didn't. We are as a culture, we don't tend to see that. We only tend to see the end result. So stop comparing yourself and have some damn compassion. Allow yourself to be imperfect along the way. It's okay if you're imperfect, if you fail, if you misstep, but pick yourself back off. Dust yourself off.

29:19                                     Identify the lesson because it's tip number four. There's always a lesson and that's ultimately going to be the biggest thing that allows you to navigate failure through failure to that allows you to bounce back from moments of failure. And that allows you to overcome those moments when a feel of a fear of failure is paralyzing you.

29:41                                     So that is my five tips for how we can ultimately navigate moments of failure in our lives. How you can bounce back and how we can stop beating ourselves up when we do have moments of failure. So whether you're applying these five tips to reflecting on your 2018 whether it went as well as you hoped or maybe it didn't or you're applying these tips to some of the things you're afraid of failing at moving into the new year. Just keep these in your mind, take these into consideration and you will have, you will be able to bounce back from whatever failures happened to you this year happened to you this month, whatever.

30:25                                     And you'll be able to be a freaking rockstar moving into your 2019 if you adopt the mindset that failure is something we can grow through, grow through as you go through that. Another cheesy quote, because I'm in a cheesy mood, apparently you can adopt that mindset and you can change the mindset to the point where you know that fear and failure are actually benefiting you and allowing you to grow and improve yourself as a person. That is going to be a game changer. So with Dan Holloway, we talked about how you can change your mindset, change your life. And here we're breaking that down a little bit further to how we can navigate failure and the fear of failing in our lives. I hope that these tips really resonated with you. I hope that you can find ways in which you can apply them to show many different aspects of, you know, the disaster scenarios that we create for ourselves and the failures and the fears that come up in our lives.

31:17                                     I hope you found ways to apply them. I hope they benefited you. I hope they resonated with you and with that, have a great end of the year. Again, I just want to reiterate the fact that this will be the last episode of 2018 for the growth try podcast. We'll be back the first Tuesday of 2019 so that will be, oh, I'm not, I'm sorry, not the first Tuesday because that is a new year's eve. Sorry about that. Um, the, we will be back on January the eighth with our first podcast of 2019. I've got an amazing guest lined up for you guys. I'm so excited for you to hear all of the amazing truth bombs. She's going to drop all the amazing, amazing motivation and knowledge she's going to share with you all. I'm so pumped. So with that, finish off your 2018 strong love, hard on your family, on your friends, on whoever you're spending the end of the holiday season with. And I will talk to you all in the new year. Bye guys.

32:23                                     Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the growth tribe podcast and your support. We can still world and I really appreciate you helping me to share this message and the power of intentional personal growth and how it can help us transform our lives. If you really enjoyed this episode, go ahead and take a screenshot and share on Instagram stories. So can thank you personally and maybe even shout you out if you thought of someone when you're listening to this episode, go ahead and take this opportunity to share it with them so that they can experience it as well. And then last but not least, if you're loving what you're hearing from the growth type podcast, go ahead and head on over to iTunes. Subscribe and give us a five star. If you have a kickass day, friends, and I'll see you next time.

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Ellyn | Burnout Coach & Speaker

Helping overwhelmed high-achieving women in business to work less and live more. Since 2017, I’ve become a burnout and stress management specialist and expert helping clients to create more sustainable routines, more supportive systems, and the clarity and fulfillment they want in their lives so that they can finally heal from their hustle and take back their lives. As a former research scientist myself, I bring a healthy dose of evidence-based strategies to the notion of burnout. I’m a certified coach, have multiple stress certifications, am a certified Hell Yes podcast guest, and am a Senior Contributor for Brainz Magazine. Hiya!


#24 - How to Maximize your New Years


#22 - Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life Ft. Dan Holloway