5 Reasons You Should Hire Me as a Speaker
So, you found my website...
But WHY should you HIRE ME?
I am a scientist by training, so not only do I research the shit out of my content and base everything I teach, preach, and speak about on that evidence—both data-backed and experiential—but I get how dry most science and evidence can be!
One of my pet-peeves in science was always the fact that we are trained, literally encouraged, to write in that dry, formulaic, super uninteresting style and that’s just NOT how I role. I was told once that I don’t “speak like a scientist.” Trust me - it wasn’t a compliment at the time, but honestly? I kind of took it that way! Why? Because it felt like a really backward way of saying “you speak in a way that others can understand.”
I’m a trained geneticist and microbiologist (oy - so nerdy 🤓) but was raised by a computer programmer and engineer with an accountant brother. All 3 of them didn’t hesitate to tell me when I was getting to science-y for them. When I sent them my first publication, my brother said something along the lines of “GREAT JOB! Now, can you tell us what it means?” So, in a nutshell, I’m great at talking about science and data without making it sound like I’m talking about science and data! You’re welcome!
i make it fun
One of my first ever speaking clients said the kindest thing in her testimonial:
“[Ellyn] is witty, down-to-earth, and has fantastic energy. … Would highly recommend this fantastic woman to others wanting a heartfelt, real, and energizing speaker.”
I honestly have no idea where it comes from, but apparently I’m funny…? A good chunk of it is definitely self-deprecation, but I also was in a sketch comedy group in graduate school, so I must have a little bit of humor.
But, sincerely, I know that burnout and stress management aren’t fun topics to talk about, so I do intentionally bring levity and a bit of fun to what can be a bit of a difficult, heavy topic.
Don’t worry though - when you work with me a speaker, the jokes don’t cost extra! 😉
i am current, fresh, & hate the cookie-cutter, bullshit burnout tips just as much as you do!
I am a personal and professional development junkie! I used to read 50 books a year and, though I’ve cut back on that number, I’m still an avid reader. Plus, I’m a fricken former scientist! So, you know I’m going to research the shit out of things! It’s just how I roll.
So, you can always count on the fact that my presentation will be current, up-to-date, and incorporating new, exciting, fresh finds and information not only from my current client work and experiences but from books, data, articles, and the latest information out there!
Not only that, but—oy, how do I say this delicately—I hate the cookie-cutter BS out there online as much as you do. I think each and every one of us is sick of hearing “sleep more”, “more less”, “quit your job” when it comes to overcoming burnout. I sure as hell know I am and I promise, that won’t make it inside of my talks. Ever. Why? Because we all know we need to sleep. We don’t need what we know! We need what we don’t know or at the very least, we need to stop being told what to do and start being told how to do it!
That’s where I come in…
i make it real and relatable!
“You did an excellent job of making the issues real, and I appreciated the various solutions you offered.”
Yes, we talked about the humor piece and that is huge and important when it comes to talking about something like burnout. But, more than that, I make it relatable.
I am a firm believer that the World Health Organization has it wrong: burnout is NOT just an occupational phenomenon. And I don’t say that lightly! Ask any person who has experienced it, and burnout, no matter where it comes from, is like a gas and it seeps into every corner, nook, and cranny of your life.
Burnout does not discriminate. Our relationships can burn us out. Our emotions can burn us out. Our fulfillment (or lack thereof) can burn us out. Our social commitments can burn us out. It does not just have to come from our careers and our to-do lists. Does it? Abso-fricken-lutely! But that’s not the sole source. And I recognize that.
I recognize that because I’ve lived that. So, my burnout tips are real. They’re relatable. And not only do they address burnout beyond what we see at work, but also they are relatable, implementable, simple, and actionable.
i’m a professional who will meet you (& your people) where you’re at
Yes, I am a professional. When I say I’ll be there at 11:00 am, I’ll be there an hour early to test out my tech and familiarize myself with the area so I’m as comfortable as your people are. I’ll fly in the night before. And if shenanigans happen and, God forbid, the power goes out OR the projector breaks mid-presentation OR a really great question is asked and we have to pivot, I can do it.
But, not only that, I’m a professional in the sense that I can hear your goals, who I’m giving the talk to, and—based on my experience and expertise—help guide you to not only the kind of content that would be most appropriate but also help you design something custom that meets your people’s specific needs.
I have had clients send me their company’s wellness survey results and we’ve used that to tailor the talk that their people specifically need. I’ve had talks tailored to leaders and tailored to employees. I’ll meet you and your people where you’re at, and I’ll kick ass doing it.