I know you, my friend…

The coaching and mentorship you need to finally build the business of your dreams—without the burnout!

You’re Sick of Being a Burned Out Biz Owner…

Whether you've been in the game for a while, or just cooking up your grand idea, you crave success - but you refuse to let it consume your life. You're ready for a BIG level-up, a reinvention, and to build your empire.

I completely understand! Not too long ago, I was in graduate school, pursuing my Ph.D. and MS simultaneously. But then I discovered this "coaching thing". It stirred something within me, a gut feeling telling me this was my path. But how could I possibly add more to my already full plate?

I was already feeling the grind, the struggle was real, and the burnout? It was REAL-er. Despite this, I chose to embrace change and take on this new opportunity. This new challenge…because it’s the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done. I’m sure you can relate, huh?

Fast forward almost 10 years, and not only did I survive the side hustle season (it took 5 years—but I survived it!), but my business is now growing and thriving. Yes, as a solopreneur! I am a one-woman show, and I wear it as a badge of honor.

You're ready for change, and I'm here to help you make it happen!

This program is for you if
you are…

  • An ambitious entrepreneur, brimming with self-confidence and ready for a seismic shift. You’ve been laying a strong foundation, building brick-by-brick. But, you refuse to be swept up in biz owner hustle culture. You’re building a well-oiled machine fortified with strong, sturdy systems and seamless automation to fuel your growth.

  • A side hustler, stretching to your limits but burning with a desire to break through a very real glass ceiling. You realize the importance of systems, self-care, and scalability in your pursuit of serving more people, carving out precious time for yourself, and elevating your business to new heights.

  • A corporate employee with an entrepreneurial curiosity and spirit. You’re already grappling with the demands of your day job, yet you’re nurturing a business idea that lights up your dreams. You refuse to let the flame of your ambition burn you out as you build your dream from the ground up.

  • A solopreneur in an exciting season of growth, but beginning to feel that sting of stagnation. You’ve been pushing forward in your business, but the wall you’ve hit is a threat to your motivation and passing. You’ve found yourself questioning, “is it worth it?” But, deep down, you know you need a business transformation and you need it now…

You are all ready for change. You're invigorated, empowered, and inspired by the prospect of transformation.

You believe in limitless potential. You're certain that you possess all the tools necessary (or that you'll acquire them here) to bring your vision to life.

You're in a phase of growth, eager for change and personal development. Your business has been a part of you for a while, and now you're yearning for a monumental level up, a reinvention, and a chance to build your empire without it consuming your life.

Get results and build sustainable foundations so you can work less & live more!

Because sometimes it’s not about $50K months and 6-figures. Sometimes it’s just about a business that supports us and gives us space for our lives…

Imagine if you could…

  • Trim your work week to less than 20 hours without compromising your revenue.

  • Set boundaries confidently with those you hold dear, including your clients.

  • Master the art of productivity and effective time management to accomplish more in less time.

  • Break free from the chains of the next launch, the next client requirement, or the next task on your list.

  • Welcome a lifestyle of ease, where you can slow down and truly live, without sacrificing your business ambitions.

  • Be fully present in those real-life moments, like hanging with your S.O. or trick-or-treating with your nephews

You're ready for transformation. It's time to level up, reinvent your business, and build your empire without it taking over your life. Let's make it happen together!

Building a Burnout-Proof Business
Means Creating…


As entrepreneurs, we know it’s not all going to be smooth sailing. Having a sustainable mindset is about having clarity in your vision, your values, and more that will carry us through the most challenging times in business!


Solopreneurs and side hustlers have a LOT of demands on our time. It often feels like our to-do lists are too long and there aren’t enough hours in the day. That’s where systems come in—we need systems that take the burden OFF of us!


Sustainable self-care is 2-fold. It has to sustain us through even the busiest, most challenging of season, but it ALSO has to be sustainable in and of itself. If our self-care routines are pouring FROM us instead of pouring INTO us, that’s a 🚩🚩🚩.

Sound perfect, or what?

If you’re thinking “this sounds amazing but I’m still not 100% sure”, keep reading…

Let's redefine what it means to truly "MAKE IT" in business...

It’s not the smartest, most talented, tech-savvy, charming, or most “expert” entrepreneurs—at least if you ask me.

The people who make it are the people who have done the behind-the-scenes work. The ones who pour into themselves as much as they pour into their business. Because you know what? If you don’t, you’re going to be burned out to live is entrepreneurial life…

Yes, you have grit, resilience, and the willingness to fall down and get back up.

But you have the desire to last in business—and you know that you need to level-up your mindsets, systems, and vitality to do so. Nothing else is going to matter.

That's where the Burnout-Proof Business steps in. As someone who's ready for change, you're excited and empowered by the possibilities. You're confident in your abilities and believe that anything is possible for you. You're ready to level up, reinvent your business, build your empire, and do it all without sacrificing your life.

With Burnout-Proof Business, that's exactly what you're going to achieve...

Maybe you’re thinking….

“I’m ready for a change—I need my life back!”

You're eager to reclaim your time and live fully. You're tired of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and constantly distracted by the endless tasks on your to-do list. When you're with your loved ones, you want to be fully present, not mentally ticking off the next task on your list…

“I should wait—it’s not the ‘right’ time’...”

But, is there such a thing as the perfect moment? From experience, I can tell you that your plate might never become lighter, but the tranquility, ease, and time that you'll reclaim can give you back countless hours each week. Isn't that priceless?

“I’m not sure if I can afford this…”

The real question is, can you afford to wait? Can you afford to build your business without making these changes? The cost of waiting could be a derailed dream, negative impacts on your health, and potentially giving up on the passion that lights you up...

You're ready for a monumental shift. You're excited, empowered, and brimming with optimism. AND THIS IS HOW YOU’RE GOING TO CREATE IT…

If you believe that anything is possible...
If you're prepared for growth, embrace opportunities for personal development, and are looking forward to revamping your business….
If you're all set to build your empire, without letting it take over your life.

Let's make it happen together!

Let’s Talk Investment

Burnout-Proof Business LITE
One time
For 4 months

✓ 6 core coaching modules to build a Burnout-Proof Business
✓ Over 20 training videos of 15 mins or less
✓ Homework Assignments, Workbooks, PDFs, and Cheat Sheets
✓ Access to my Resource Library
✓ Continuous access as the course grows and changes

Get the Course + 8 Months of Accountability! 👇🏻

Just Want the Course?👇🏻

Burnout-Proof Business MASTERMIND
One time
For 6 months

✓ 4 LIVE Group Coaching Calls per month (Q&A, Workshop, etc.)
✓ A Personalized 45-min Kickstarter Call
✓ Your Business Listed in the Burnout-Proof Business Directory
✓ Monday - Friday Coaching in a MEMBERS ONLY Facebook Group
✓ Weekly Office Hours Hosted by Ellyn

Not sure? Let’s chat about it!
Book a call here!

Hey there, I’m Ellyn!

Let’s Make You Burnout-Proof!

You know burnout is my business, but why the hell should you trust me on this journey? Because I’ve built my entire business…

  • While working another, full-time job

  • Entirely on my own—one-woman show!

And I’ve been at it for the last 10 years!

So, I know exactly what it feels like to have precious few hours to dedicate to your business and the growth you want to see and that overwhelm that can come with knowing that if something is going to get done in your business, you have to be the one to do it!

And I get not wanting hiring to be the way you scale! Some of us don’t want a team. I’ve been a manager—I don’t want to be a manager in my business too! So, I get that, too!

Long story short—I’ve been where you’ve been! And I know what you need to implement to take care of you, have a life, and build a business at the same time!

What Makes This Different From Everything You've Tried Before…

I'm all about...

Life > Business. Hell ya—I want to be successful! But I also want to have my health, relationships, hobbies, and goals too!

I'm not about...

Prioritizing profits and vanity metrics over the lifestyle that your business gives you. No m’am—if you don’t love your life, you won’t love your business!

I believe that...

Burnout is a Choice—we don’t want to be burned out, hell no! But we are perpetuating it, and that has to stop!

You’re READY to Take Control of Your Business—and BURNOUT! I know it—so le’ts do it!