Coach Ellyn

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The 4 Systems EVERY Entrepreneur Needs

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Are you feeling like you're constantly juggling a million tasks, drowning in a sea of sticky notes, and barely keeping your head above water?

Trust me, I've been there. But fear not! I've got a lifeline for you: the four essential systems that every entrepreneur needs to stay sane, productive, and fabulous. Let's dive in!

1. The "Welcome Aboard": Client Onboarding System

Picture this: You've just landed a new client (cue the happy dance!), but now you're scrambling to gather all the necessary paperwork, send welcome emails, and schedule that first meeting. Sounds familiar? It's time to wave goodbye to that chaos and say hello to a smooth client onboarding system!

A solid onboarding system is like having a personal assistant who never sleeps (and doesn't drink all your coffee OR need you to delegate anything). It automates the mundane stuff, ensuring your clients feel loved from day one. Plus, it saves you from those embarrassing "Oops, I forgot to send that document" moments. Trust me, I've had enough of those to last a lifetime!

Pro tip: Sure, you can use tools like Dubsado or HoneyBook, but my preference? A completely custom on-boarding automation that works WITH my existing Notion systems. So, instead of paying the $40-50/month for those systems, I’m doing it all in with automation that maybe cost $100 per year. Figuring this out was a game-changer for me. Like a fairy godmothers of client onboarding, turning your pumpkin-like process into a beautiful, streamlined carriage.

And don’t worry—Sustainable Systems teaches you exactly how to do this!

2. The Content Management System

Raise your hand if you've ever found yourself in a cold sweat at 11:59 PM, realizing you forgot to post on Instagram. Again. 🙋‍♀️ Been there, done that, got the "Why am I like this?" t-shirt. Enter the content management system, your new best friend in the digital marketing world!

A good content management system is like having a personal stylist for your brand. It keeps your content organized, your messaging consistent, and your posting schedule on point. No more late-night panic posts or "What should I write about?" meltdowns.

My secret weapon? Yes— my content calendar in Notion., but a mega level-up I’ve been using lately is Notion Social! It pulls content I schedule inside of Notion straight onto platforms like Threads, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn. Like, I can post to multiple platforms at a time! It's like a crystal ball for your content, helping you see into the future and plan accordingly. Magic, right?

3. The Scheduling System

Okay, confession time: I used to think I was a master of multitasking. Spoiler alert: I wasn't. I was just really good at being stressed and doing a mediocre job at everything. Then I discovered the power of a good scheduling system, and it was like finding the holy grail of productivity.

A robust scheduling system is your personal time-turner (Harry Potter fans, you know what I'm talking about). It helps you manage your appointments, block out focus time, re-inforce your boundaries without actually needing to tell someone “sorry I don’t work that early,” and even remember to eat lunch (yes, that's important too!).

No more double-bookings, forgotten meetings, or working through dinner for the fifth time this week.

I swear by Acuity (which—fun fact—is built in to my Squarespace platform!) for this. It literally pulls all of my calendars together, avoids important conflicts, gives me space between meetings, automatically assigns Zoom links, sends invites to clients, and more!

It's like having a super-efficient, never-tired personal assistant who manages your time better than you ever could. Plus, it eliminates the dreaded back-and-forth emails trying to find a meeting time. Hallelujah!

4. The Client and Lead Management System (CRM)

Last but definitely not least, let's talk about keeping track of your peeps! Remember when you became an entrepreneur thinking you'd be this super-organized boss, only to find yourself drowning in a sea of sticky notes and forgotten follow-ups?

Yeah, me too. That's where a solid Client Relationship Management (CRM) system comes in to save the day (and your sanity).

Look, I get it. Some people swear by their color-coded notebooks and artfully arranged sticky notes. But let me tell you a secret: I am NOT one of those people. My ADHD-like tendencies (which, by the way, I'm actively looking into - anyone else relate?) mean that if it's not in a system, it might as well not exist.

A good CRM is like having a super-organized, never-forgetful assistant who's always got your back. It helps you track your leads, manage your client interactions, and ensures no opportunity slips through the cracks. No more "Wait, who was I supposed to email today?" moments or "Did I ever follow up with that hot lead?" panic attacks.

And you guessed it. My CRM and client follow-ups? They’re all in Notion! Because I’m all about the less tools the better! That system, which beautifully integrates in my other systems, is like having a mini-relationship guru living in your computer, minus the cheesy pick-up lines and unsolicited advice. Trust me, your future self (and your business bank account) will thank you!

So there you have it, folks! The fantastic four systems that'll turn your entrepreneurial chaos into a well-oiled machine.

Remember, implementing these systems isn't about perfection—it's about progress. Start small, be consistent, and before you know it, you'll be running your empire like a boss. Need help? Check out Sustainable Systems School Here!

Now, if you'll excuse me, my scheduling system is telling me it's time for a well-deserved nap. Catch you on the flip side, entrepreneurs!